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The Bath Witch makes salves that have different remedies.

I take the time to infuse most of my salves with botanicals for added properties and scent with theraputic grade essential oils.  Usually consists of Olive oil with beeswax.


*Cayenne pepper salves- great for chronic pain.  Cayenne pepper is a natural pain reliever & anti-inflammatory.

*Dandelion Salves - Will be in stock SOON!  I keep finding new uses for this.  Great for the gardner or outdoorsy person.

*Tension & Stress salves-  infused with peppermint & lavender both great choices for tense muscles in the neck & head.   




Olive oil infused with botanicals, beeswax, & essential oils.


  • I don't antisipate you will be returning your product, but sometimes it isn't a great fit and that is OK.   The Bath Witch prides its business on great customer service, please give us the opportunity to make you happy.   If making you happy is offering a refund, we will gladly do that as well.

    Contact The Bath Witch as soon as there is a problem.

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