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This handcrafted liquid face soap is made with organic rice water blended into a gentle liquid castile soap that is gentle for the face.   It is also blended with rice bran oil and honey.  lightly scented with theraputic grade essential oils.

Rice water & rice bran oil have been used by the ancient people of Asia for centuries for its powerful anti-aging and anti-blotchy properties.   Reduces redness with its whitening effects.


Excellent & effective face wash for every day.

White Magic Face wash with Organic Rice Water

  • 6 fl oz

    Organic rice water, liquid castile soap, rice bran oil, raw honey, citric acid, guar gum, sea salt, & essential oils.

  • I don't antisipate you will be returning your product, but sometimes it isn't a great fit and that is OK.   The Bath Witch pides its business on great customer service, please give us the opportunity to make you happy and if making you happy is offering a refund, we will gladly do that.

    Contact The Bath Witch as soon as there is a problem.

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